HTB Mongod

01 Oct 2022 - GRX6

Reconnaissance/Intelligence Gathering

In this step we collect the target information available in public repositories or sources. We do everything passively.

Scanning and enumeration

Now it’s time to start the active scanning.

As always, we define our TARGET and hosts file of our machine to facilitate the process.

echo " mongod.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

We launch a single TCMP probe to check ping.

ping -c 1 $TARGET # => Ping is working

Ping is working and from the ttl we are able to see that it is a linux machine.


To scan the target to find open ports and possible vulnerabilities we use nmap.

First, simple TCP scan without DNS resolution and ping discovery, to all the ports and with the version detection.

nmap -n -Pn -sV -p- $TARGET -vvv -oG allPorts

We find that the port 27017 is open, we will run the scripts to see what service is listening.

nmap -n -Pn -sVC -p27017 $TARGET -vvv -oN targeted

The result show that it is a MongoDB. We will use mongo cli to see the contents of the database.

The flag is inside a collection.